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Distributor Job Description

* As an Independent Distributor/Health Coach for Herbalife you'll learn the importance of nutrition and fitness and the rolls they both play in helping your clients to get results.

* You will coach your clients in becoming the best version of themselves while helping them lose or gain weight. From building muscle, shaping and toning, down to burning fat. You'll work one on one with clients as it becomes your goal for them to hit theirs.

* You will also recruit and train your very own team of Health Coaches to do exactly what you do. Helping people to be healthy from the inside out.


Once you sign up in the beginning you will start out making 25% on all product that you refer to family or friends. Product that you recommend to your clients as part of their personal customized nutrition plan.

FOR EXAMPLE: For every $100.00 in product you sell you make $25.00

For every $200.00 in product you sell you make $50.00

Volume Points

For every $1 worth of product you sell or recommend to a client, you will accumulate "volume points". 1 dollar is equal to 1 volume point. Once you reach 500 volume points you will Level Up in the marketing plan to now making 35% on all products.

EXAMPLE: For every $100.00 in product you sell you make $35.00

For every $200.00 in product you sell you make $70.00

Building A Team

Your family and friends will see your results as well as your clients results and will be interested in joining your team. Recruit your family and friends and teach them to also be a successful Herbalife Distributor/Health Coach. Building your organization will help you to move up the marketing plan faster. Soon you'll be making up to 50% on all product. I will help you get there.

Social Media

I will be here to help you with it all. Any questions that you may have feel free to contact me any time. edubbl3

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