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"No Exercise Weightloss Hacks"


What I'm about to share with you is not some gimmick or trick just to gain your attention, but actual facts based on studies conducted worldwide, as well as research I've done on my own. You can burn belly fat and lose significant inches from your waistline without dieting or exercise. By simply focusing on upgrading, reconditioning and strengthening your digestive system, you can turn your body into the dream body that you've always wanted.

After spending the past few years in nutrition and fitness working with hundreds of clients, along with a number of studies and research conducted to validate the process, I've put together a


that not only burns fat and helps you lose weight, but allows you to eat some of the foods that you love without dieting or counting calories. So many of my current clients have started this plan and are having amazing results.

The sneaky fat creeping up around your mid-section, a bloated belly after you eat, low energy sabotaging your workout: What do they have in common? They’re all reflections of the direct relationship between sluggish digestion, slow metabolism and weight gain. Overeating during the holidays and engaging in less physical activity means this process can really snowball in the winter. The good news: By increasing digestive efficiency with targeted supplements, we can effectively shed extra fat, boost metabolism and support nearly every other area of health in the process.

Good digestion goes beyond the idea that “you are what you eat.” Digestion is at the very center of our core health. It sets the foundation for health, happiness and well-being. There is more information now that explains the roles digestion plays in immunity, hormone balance, and even mental and emotional health. Traditional healing practices around the world, especially traditional Asian medicine, have long recognized these relationships. In fact, some Eastern medical systems treat nearly every disease by addressing the digestive system. And most often, when we optimize our digestion, everything else comes into balance — particularly, the bathroom scale.

Nutrient Absorption And Metabolism: A Catch-22? Optimal digestive function means we’re breaking down food properly, absorbing enough of the right nutrients and eliminating the waste that we don’t need. It’s a very organized, efficient and meticulous process. But we need energy to perform these tasks, and much of that energy comes from nutrients we digest. It seems like a bit of a catch-22: We need energy in order for our digestive system to break down food, but we get much of that energy from food. If digestion is sluggish, we can’t break down nutrients properly to get more energy. This creates a vicious cycle that leads to a type of malnutrition in our cells, tissues and organs. Wastes build up, you retain water and your body converts excess calories to fat, since the body isn’t digesting them properly.

Usually, this cycle starts with unhealthy dietary habits: eating too many processed foods that hinder digestive function by depleting our enzymes, probiotics and other factors critical for strong digestion. Unhealthy foods, particularly refined sugars, also spike glucose and insulin. The result is inflammation — another major culprit in weight gain and slow metabolism. Essentially, a nutritious diet has a direct relationship to healthy body weight — not just because we’re avoiding inflammatory, fat-fueling foods like sugar and hydrogenated oils, but also because nutritious foods give our digestive system the building blocks it needs to function efficiently.

Our mitochondria, the tiny cellular engines that create energy for the body, are a central part of our metabolism and digestion. How quickly and efficiently the mitochondria can turn nutrients such as glucose into energy reflects metabolic health. If our mitochondria are inefficient, we store glucose as fat. Where does digestion come into play? When we’re not digesting properly, mitochondria don’t get their nutrients to produce energy, and excess waste creates inflammation and toxic buildup. As a result, we feel sluggish, tired and bloated. It’s all part of a complex, interrelated system where metabolism and digestion rely on one another to keep all the body’s systems fully energized and functioning at peak capacity.

As an independent distributor for Herbalife, I've put together 4 amazing products that adequately addresses all angels of upgrading and rejuvenating your digestive system. It'll not only burn away fat, but allow you to eat the foods you love.

To start this amazing FAT BURNING DIGESTION PLAN simply email me at

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