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Beyond The Transformation

For so many years you walk through life bombarded by materialistic advertisements telling you what you need in life to live and be happy. You look around and everyone else seems to have and admire the same things that you want. With so much attention and energy given towards material pursuits, how can one focus on the more important things? How can one detach his thinking from the every day influence of today's world and break the chains of laziness, procrastination, and overeating? What could possibly be strong enough to free the vice grip society has conditioned and locked on the majority of mankind today?

Not to mention the thousands of receptors in our eyes that bounce off of things that we see and like, and returns to our brain and releases a neurotransmitter called Dopamine. Dopamine helps control the brains reward and pleasure centers and is also responsible for the release of hormones. These hormones play an integral part in why we love the things we see. Throw in the greatest distraction of all time, procrastination and mix in a bit of laziness, and one can clearly see how easy it is to get stuck, out of shape and overweight.

All is not lost. Your brain creates new cells through a process called neurogenesis. Which is the growth and development of nervous tissue. How does this tissue grow? Cognitive stimulation, which increases neurogenesis. In short it basically means that by keeping yourself engaged, you help your brain create new brain cells. These new cells can be shaped into positive and motivating cells by being active, thinking positive, and stepping outside of your comfort zone. That's when your WHY becomes your motivation and your WILL finds its way.

So there is help, and it comes from within, literally. It starts with your Will. Where there is will, there will always exist a way. You just have to find it. Desire. When you desire something bad enough, nothing stands a chance of successfully distracting you. Consistency. As long as you remain consistent, will and desire will always stand up and have your back until you reach your goal. You just have to start. Making the decision to change puts you 50% closer to reaching your goal. The other 50% is conquered through consistency. Doing the same things over and over not only builds continuity, but breeds results and gives birth to the best transformations you can make.

Beyond The Transformation

Nothing in the world can describe the satisfaction you experience after committing to consistency and hard work. Hard work will always pay you back exactly what you work hard for. However, beyond the transformation you will begin to see things in life differently. Besides looking amazing, the work ethic that it took to step out of your comfort zone, you will begin to notice stronger attributes. Like focus, determination, effort, energy, endurance, mental alertness, power, self control, discipline, love and loyalty to name a few. These new character traits will give you a new outlook on life. Besides looking different, you will feel absolutely amazing.

You literally become a new person in physical appearance, as well as your actual thinking and mentality. Physical activity or exercise is an outstanding way to increase blood flow and get more oxygen to the brain. When we exercise, it indirectly leads to brain exercise. This is how you become more alert, can remember more, can problem solve better, and become more intelligent overall.

So much stands to be gained by your decision to make a transformation. We talked about the attribute changes, the character upgrades and the mental modifications. But what about the effect that it has on the ones closest to you? The energy and attention that you're now able to give to your children or family. What about the focus and production that you're able to give to your business? Going through all of these changes that all began because you said yes to your transformation, will motivate you to transform other areas of your life to become just as successful.

However the greatest and most rewarding feeling that you will recognize beyond the transformation, is the impact that you will have on your family. When you can help the ones closest to you make the same significant change. When they see you and all of the changes that you've made, and how it has changed your life, they'll want to do whatever it was that you did. You help so many besides yourself by simply saying YES! So have you said yes already? What are you waiting for?

If you have any questions, or need motivation getting started, simply email me at

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